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General Resources

 Tools which provide general information on tax, income, and benefits for newcomers.

Government of Canada Personal Income Taxes Online Course

The Government of Canada “Learn about you Taxes” page has created a short online course to help individuals develop an understanding of how the Canadian tax system works and learn about personal income tax.

To access the page, click here.

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Factsheet: Newcomers

This CRA page has factsheet and infographics on benefits and credits available in various languages including French, Arabic, Spanish, and Ukrainian. 

For a full list of available infographics, click here.

Government of Canada Newcomer Services

Government of Canada Newcomer service page makes it easy to find a settlement services in the area, including free community tax clinics and information sessions from CRA. 

To visit the Government of Canada Newcomer service page, click here.

CRA's Outreach Officer Community Program

CRA’s outreach officers can help the community learn about benefits, credit payments, and what they can get from doing their taxes.

For more information on the CRA’s Outreach Officer Community Program and upcoming community events, click here.

Information on Programs, Credits, and Benefits

Below you’ll find resources to provide support for individuals with specific tax questions/needs.

Prosper Canada

The Prosper Canada provides financial policies, programs, and financial advice to build clients’ financial wellbeing. This resource also provides information on applicable benefits. 

To visit Prosper Canada’s website, click here.

Benefits Wayfinder

The Benefits Wayfinder is a simple tool designed to find and track the benefits that a person is eligible for. When supporting clients with filing their taxes, this resource can show them all the benefits they are eligible for.

To visit Prosper Canada’s website, click here.

Government of Canada Benefits, Credits, and Taxes for newcomers

The Government of Canada Benefits, Credits, and Taxes for Newcomers section provides a comprehensive tax guide for newcomers, what they need to know about income tax and benefits payment.

To visit Government of Canada Taxes for Newcomers section, click here.