Register as a Presenter – AAISA

Register as a Presenter

Register as a Presenter

Are you passionate about sharing your expertise and insights in the field of immigration and settlement, aligned with our conference themes? Do you have valuable experiences, innovative strategies, or research findings that could benefit our community of settlement professionals?

We invite you to apply as a presenter for the AAISA 2024 conference. This is an opportunity to contribute to the ongoing conversation about the challenges and opportunities in immigration and settlement, all while connecting with professionals, organizations, and community groups dedicated to supporting newcomers in Alberta.

Your unique perspective and knowledge can make a significant impact, addressing key themes such as Language & Employment, Organizational Capacity Building, Regional Spotlight, Vulnerable Populations and Identity, and Resettlement and Integration.

Join us in shaping the future of settlement services and integration by submitting your application to become a presenter at our conference. Your expertise could be the key to inspiring positive change and innovation in the field.

You can register to present as either a regular stream presentation, workshop or poster session.

Deadline to apply as a presenter is February 16, 2024

Click here to apply: Presenter Application.



Terms and Conditions for Presenters

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before submitting your presenter application for the AAISA Settlement & Integration Conference 2024:

1. Presentation Selection:

  • Submission of a presenter application does not guarantee selection. All applications will undergo a thorough review by the conference organizing committee.

2. Presentation Content:

  • Presentations should align with the conference theme and objectives, focusing on the settlement and integration of newcomers in Alberta.

3. Presentation Materials:

  • Presenters are responsible for providing any presentation materials, handouts, or visuals needed for their session. All materials must be submitted by the February 20, 2024

4. Audiovisual Requirements:

  • Presenters should communicate their audiovisual and equipment requirements in advance. The conference organizers will make reasonable efforts to accommodate these needs.

5. Presenter Responsibilities:

  • Presenters must be present at the conference venue at least 20 minutes before their scheduled presentation time.
  • Presenters are expected to conduct themselves professionally and be respectful of attendees and fellow presenters.

6. Reference Checks:

  • The conference organizing committee may contact the references provided in your application to verify your presentation experience and qualifications.

7. Selection Notification:

  • Selected presenters will be notified via email. If selected, presenters must confirm their participation promptly.

8. Presentation Materials and Copyright:

  • Presenters retain copyright and ownership of their presentation materials. However, presenters grant AAISA the right to use, distribute, and share presentation materials for educational and promotional purposes related to the conference.

9. Registration Fees:

  • Presenters are responsible for their own conference registration fees, travel, and accommodation expenses unless otherwise arranged with the conference organizers.

10. Changes and Cancellations:

  • If, for any reason, a selected presenter cannot fulfill their commitment, they must notify the conference organizers as soon as possible to explore alternative solutions.

11. Conduct Guidelines:

  • Presenters are expected to adhere to the conference’s code of conduct, ensuring a respectful and inclusive environment for all attendees.

12. Indemnification:

  • Presenters agree to indemnify and hold harmless AAISA, its officers, and organizers from any claims, actions, damages, liabilities, and expenses arising from their presentation or participation in the conference.

13. Modification of Terms:

  • AAISA reserves the right to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time. Presenters will be notified of any changes.

14. Acceptance of Terms:

  • By submitting a presenter application, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms and conditions, please contact us for clarification before submitting your presenter application.

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the AAISA Settlement & Integration Conference 2024. We look forward to receiving your application and potentially welcoming you as a presenter at our event!


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Join us in Calgary to engage in these vital conversations and contribute to shaping the future of settlement and integration. We look forward to seeing you there!