Ukranian Housing Grant – AAISA

Ukranian Housing Grant


The Ukrainian Housing Grant program contributes to Alberta’s mandate to support displaced Ukrainians seeking refuge in Albertan communities. This program is a funding partnership between AAISA, the Canadian Red Cross, and Ukrainian Canadian Congress. This grant is designed to support Albertan agencies and communities to deliver projects and services to address Ukrainians immediate housing needs. Immediate housing needs describes all housing supports accessed by arriving displaced Ukrainians in their first four to six weeks in the province. 

Millions of people have left their homes in Ukraine due to the recent violence, trauma, and economic hardship. Households arriving in Canada from Ukraine are receiving support from governments, settlement agencies and community organizations. The Canadian Red Cross is working in partnership with governments and community organizations to support households in finding their path and home in Canada. Through this ongoing collaborative work, a gap in available funding to support temporary housing arrangements has been identified. 

With thanks to the generous support of donors, the Canadian Red Cross is pleased to make available a funding opportunity for projects that support households arriving from Ukraine with access to temporary housing services and supports. In recognition of the critical role that community organizations play in supporting newcomers to Canada, these Canadian Red Cross grants will support organizations as they contribute to recovery and resilience-building efforts. 

The objectives of this grant program are to: 

  • Displaced Ukrainians will have access to housing upon arrival and up until they secure long-term housing. 
  • Displaced Ukrainians will be able to access to housing in the event traditional or existing housing supports are unable to support. 
  • Displaced Ukrainians will be knowledgeable of the housing supports provided to support displaced Ukrainians. 
  • Displaced Ukrainians will be more skilled or have greater opportunity to find and navigate Alberta’s housing market.

Grant Details 

The total amount of funding available to support displaced Ukrainian evacuees as part of this grant is $100,000 from the Canadian Red Cross. With Ukrainian evacuees calling more than 70 locations throughout Alberta home, these funds are aimed to support service providers and community groups to address unmet housing needs. 

Funding supports four-month projects beginning May 1st, 2023, to September 1st, 2023. AAISA prioritizes funding proposals that align best with established unmet needs of displaced Ukrainians, that make the most collective impact, and that reflects the final destinations of Ukrainians. 

Important Dates

June 29th, 2023, between 1-2:00 PM, MST – Applicants’ information call (optional)
July 13th, 2023, at 11:50 PM, MST – Deadline to submit applications
August 1st, 2023, to November 30, 2023 – Project duration 

Important Note: 

This Grant was originally to be launched on June 1st to help support Emergency Housing for displaced Ukrainians in Alberta.  In reaction to the Government of Alberta providing Emergency Hotels to support displaced Ukrainians and to avoid duplication of services, the Canadian Red Cross and AAISA has chosen to adjust the eligibility of application.  The adjustment focuses on projects that help transition housing solely and is further described on this webpage. 

**If you have already submitted a grant for the previous application, please note that your application is still being considered and you will be contacted by a staff member shortly for the next steps.  We apologize for the inconvenience.   


This program distributes grants of up to $30,000 to support organizations or community groups to address the unmet housing needs of displaced Ukrainian evacuees that are not already addressed or duplicated by existing programs and services. 

Project duration 

The funds will support projects or programs that are short-term with an end date of November 30, 2023. 

Program goals, activities, and outcomes 

This project is designed to complement Alberta’s existing settlement programming and services to better support displaced Ukrainians seeking refuge in Alberta. The project has three funding streams: 

  1. Securing long-term housing 
    • To be used to support displaced Ukrainians find long-term housing needs.   For instance, by: 
      • Work with families to understand needs based on family size, financial ability or income supports.   
      • Work with families to conduct proper inspections or housing essentials are secure. 
      • Conduct housing tours 
  2. Transition housing infrastructure or supports 
    • To be used to improve, expand or streamline access to long-term housing solutions for displaced Ukrainians.   For instance, by: 
      • Work with property management organizations or developers to ensure availability, habitability or access. 
      • Work with property management organizations to create a readily available inventory of appropriate housing. 
  3. Knowledge of Albertan housing 
    • To be used to strengthen knowledge of displaced Ukrainians or other stakeholders in looking for long-term housing solutions.   For instance, by: 
      • Educate or communicate families on how to identify or assess appropriate housing options. 
      • Educate landlords or hosts on the needs of the community 

Organizations must demonstrate how their proposal and project outcomes align with these funding streams. These funds will prioritize projects or programs which emphasize collaboration between organizations and agencies with the goal to create a network of housing solutions for displaced Ukrainians. 

Multiple applications 

Applicants can submit a maximum of two proposals. Each proposal will be considered as a stand-alone submission. Ensure all documents are included for each separate proposal. 


To apply for this grant, applicants and proposals must meet these guidelines. 

Eligible Applicants 

Applications will only be accepted from Albertan organizations that support displaced Ukrainian evacuees that are: 

  • A registered not-for-profit* (and in good standing) organizations including non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, and community groups 
  • Post-secondary institutions Applications will not be accepted if applicant: 
    • Aims to convert people to religious beliefs 
    • Are political parties 
    • Uses funds as scholarships and fellowships for academic studies 
    • Do not directly and clearly benefits displaced Ukrainian evacuees in Alberta 
    • Operates outside Alberta 

Eligible applications 

To be eligible, proposals must: 

  • Cover the period from June 1st, 2023 to September 30, 2023 
  • Be applicable under one of the four funding streams listed above 
  • Demonstrate outcomes to achieve one of the four funding streams listed above 
  • Submit the complete application package including: 
    • Filled application form 
    • Letter(s) of support (if applicable) and collaboration is noted 
    • Valid certificate of incorporation 
    • 2022 annual audited financial statements (2021 is acceptable if discussed) 
    • Detailed budget 
    • Proposed timelines 

Steps to Application 

Step 1: Read and review the funding guidelines 

The funding guidelines listed on this page or the document Ukrainian Settlement Support Grant to ensure eligibility and conditions of this grant. 

Step 2 (optional): Participate in the Applicants’ Information Call 

The Applicants’ Information Call is an opportunity to ask questions regarding the application process and seek clarification about the Application Guidelines. 

Meeting link:

Meeting ID: 828 5677 9572
Or call in (audio only) – +1 587 328 1099 Canada
Phone Conference ID: 859 6906 6256

Passcode: 713478
Find your local number:

Step 3: Download application templates  

Step 4: Complete the application package 

Step 5: Submit the application 

  • Submit your completed application documents in one email to 
  • Title the subject line of your email as: [Organization Name]: CFP UHG 2023 Application 
  • If you have issues with submission, send notice to for troubleshooting. 

Steps After you Apply 

After you apply, your application will be processed in the following steps: 

Step 1: Initial screening 

All applications will be screened to ensure completion of package and if the applications meet the eligibility criteria outlined above. 

Step 2: Committee review 

A committee comprised of senior management from AAISA and UCC reviews and scores applications that pass the initial screening. Scoring is based on an assessment criterion outlined through Innovation, Impact and Implementation. 


  • The extent to which the proposed work addresses challenges faced by displaced Ukrainian evacuees in Alberta in unique ways. 
  • The degree to which the proposed work relates to and collaborates with other services, communities and organizations to address challenges. 
  • The degree to address needs while in alignment to funding streams. 


  • The degree to which the proposed grant activities respond to the unmet needs across Alberta. 
  • The ability to extend the benefits and lessons learned to other stakeholders through communication and collaboration. 
  • The ability to address demonstrated needs or gaps based on issue intensity and complexity. 


  • The feasibility of service delivery design. 
  • The ability to deliver on outcomes through project partnership, monitoring and evaluation activities. 

The committee will award grants based on these application scores, most current provincial needs and priorities, and the overall available funding. 

Step 3: Applicant notification 

All applicants will be notified to share the results of their application by July 20th, 2023. 


Connect with the AAISA Ukrainian Initiative Team and the review committee: Email: