Capacity Building Through the COVID-19 Lens – AAISA

Capacity Building Through the COVID-19 Lens

Harnessing innovations and mobilizing best practices of the pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic created a significant shift in the newcomer-serving sector. Settlement and integration services were promptly shifted to virtual delivery methods in order to comply with public health regulations, drastically lowering in-person program delivery. The newcomer-serving sector faced a variety of challenges and barriers, but were able to implement innovative practices and leverage existing strengths within their organizations to adapt programs and services to meet the evolving needs of newcomers in this unique time.

AAISA is seeking to capture, engage with, and promote innovative practices and service delivery approaches that have been developed by newcomer-serving organizations at a provincial level. This project aims to build capacity, mobilize best practices, and strengthen the network of service providers in relation to responding to newcomer needs emerging from the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This project is funded by the Government of Alberta through their Community Capacity Grant.


This project seeks to engage AAISA members through scheduled focus groups commencing in the fall of 2021.