Current Courses
Specialized courses for settlement practitioners
Specialized courses for settlement practitioners
Our self-paced courses allow practitioners to learn at their convenience, providing flexibility while maintaining a high standard of learning.
Participants will become familiar with various concepts related to acculturation, settlement, acculturative stress (culture shock), post-traumatic stress, and the role of settlement agencies in Alberta related to settlement and transition processes. They will also become familiar with challenges that occur during settlement and learn strategies to address these challenges.
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
The Basic Counselling Skills in a Cross-Cultural Context Course is intended to help Settlement Practitioners define their counselling role with clients they serve and help them to recognize to develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge
to be effective in that role.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
This 4-part course will help settlement practitioners understand what trauma is and how trauma manifests through behaviours, introduce a trauma-informed approach and strategies to their work, and help practitioners feel empowered and confident to
support newcomers in crises. Participants will become familiar with trauma and its impacts on the settlement, adaptation and integration process. We will consider how supporting clients experiencing trauma can lead to distress for settlement practitioners
and develop tools to support the wellbeing of practitioners.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
In the settlement sector, Motivational Interviewing can act as a spring board for discussing why concerted and comprehensive assessment is necessary. In this course, participants will gain familiarity with the transtheoretical model of change, principles of motivational interviewing and engaging different types of motivation towards change.
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
This course is aimed at providing introduction to the Canadian Immigration System, review Canadian immigration history, immigration policies and trends. It will focus on discussing current issues related to immigration, it’s impact on newcomers,
address the ways to overcome those challenges. Additionally, it will be describe immigrants’ categories and streams, ways to review the application process for key immigration streams including supporting applicants at all stages of the application
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
The course is designed to help clients understand the concepts, nature and impact of stigma and discrimination on clients with mental health needs. It covers issues on how stigma and discrimination affects clients in accessing mental health support, and the skills and strategies to improve service provider and client interactions in mental health support.
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
This course is designed to help trainees identify the strengths and barriers of their respective organizations in meeting the mental health needs of newcomers. It provides guidance and step-by-step instructions on completing the audit tool within an organization. It focuses on how organizations can utilize the audit tool and apply its findings to improve their capacity in
providing services.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Le cours est conçu pour aider les clients à comprendre les concepts, la nature et l’impact de la stigmatisation et de la discrimination chez les clients ayant des besoins en santé mentale. Il aborde les questions sur la manière dont la stigmatisation et la discrimination affectent l’accès des clients au soutien en santé mentale, ainsi que les compétences et les stratégies pour améliorer les interactions entre les prestataires de services et les clients dans le domaine du soutien en santé mentale.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
The course delves into diverse cultural perspectives on mental health, emphasizing culturally sensitive approaches to supporting clients. It promotes self-awareness among practitioners, enabling them to reflect on biases that may influence their services and strives for stigma-free conversations about mental well-being. Practical experiences and working examples form the foundation of this training.
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
Le cours explore diverses perspectives culturelles sur la santé mentale, en mettant l’accent sur des approches culturellement sensibles pour soutenir les clients. Il favorise la prise de conscience de soi chez les praticiens, leur permettant de réfléchir aux biais qui peuvent influencer leurs services, et il s’efforce de promouvoir des conversations sans stigmatisation sur le bien-être mental. Des expériences pratiques et des exemples concrets constituent la base de cette formation.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Our facilitated courses provide interactive and engaging learning experiences led by industry experts. These courses cover a range of topics essential for settlement practitioners.
Registering for our courses is simple. Here are the details on what to expect during the registration process.