Current Courses
Specialized courses for settlement practitioners

Specialized courses for settlement practitioners
Our self-paced courses allow practitioners to learn at their convenience, providing flexibility while maintaining a high standard of learning.
This online course will focus on anti-discrimination and will include both an introduction to the topic as well as information on how to apply an anti-discrimination analysis. We will cover both the theory and also the practical ways to apply the theory at different levels in society.
Participants will become familiar with various concepts related to acculturation, settlement, acculturative stress (culture shock), post-traumatic stress, and the role of settlement agencies in Alberta related to settlement and transition processes. They will also become familiar with challenges that occur during settlement and learn strategies to address these challenges.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
This course will introduce and provide resources around many common disability benefits, including the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH), Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPP-D), Disability Tax Credit (DTC), Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), and some common disability-specific funding programs.
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
This course is aimed at providing introduction to the Canadian Immigration System, review Canadian immigration history, immigration policies and trends. It will focus on discussing current issues related to immigration, it’s impact on newcomers, address the ways to overcome those challenges. Additionally, it will be describe immigrants categories and streams, ways to review the application process for key immigration streams including supporting applicants at all stages of the application procedures
Codes of Ethics documents and analyze three ethical/practical issues: personal/professional boundaries; confidentiality and consent, and conflict of interest.
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
This course provides the tools and strategies for supporting clients and their families through complex situations, including mental health and substance use concerns. It focuses on identifying the barriers for individuals and families facing complex situations and providing tools to address the barriers.
Ce cours offre des outils et des stratégies pour accompagner les clients et leurs familles dans des situations complexes, y compris les problèmes de santé mentale et de consommation de substances. Il met l’accent sur l’identification des obstacles auxquels sont confrontés les individus et les familles dans des situations complexes, ainsi que sur la fourniture d’outils pour surmonter ces obstacles.
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
The Basic Counselling Skills in a Cross-Cultural Context Course is intended to help Settlement Practitioners define their counselling role with clients they serve and help them to recognize to develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge to be effective in that role
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Le cours adopte un format d’apprentissage interactif et expérientiel, combinant des connaissances théoriques avec des stratégies pratiques. Les participants participeront à des études de cas, à des discussions de groupe et à des exercices de réflexion simulant des situations réelles rencontrées dans la pratique de l’établissement. Cette approche permet aux participants d’acquérir une compréhension holistique des complexités liées à l’aide aux nouveaux arrivants, tout en honorant leur résilience innée, leurs forces relationnelles collaboratives et leur capacité à s’épanouir à la lumière de circonstances de vie difficiles.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
This course is aimed at identifying behaviors that could lead to crisis and provide early intervention to risk behaviors to prevent escalation. It will develop confidence in staff to cope with personal fear and anxiety in order to encourage a positive outcome in a crisis situation and follow a collaborative approach. It will also explore a framework to help guide staff and individuals in distress through a process of re-establishing the relationship.
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
This course will provide participants with an understanding of the role of trauma in psychosocial health, the foundations of wellness, the different between mental health, wellness and illness, how to navigate ethics, consent and culture, crisis management, and how to support and create psychological safety for specific groups within your clientele.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Psychological First Aid (PFA) is an evidence-informed approach to help children, adolescents, adults, and families in the immediate aftermath of a disaster/emergency. Individuals affected by a disaster or traumatic incident, whether survivors, witnesses, or responders to such events, may struggle with or face challenges following the event. PFA is designed to reduce the initial distress and to foster adaptive functioning and coping and is designed for delivery in diverse settings. In this course, settlement workers will learn the fundamentals of PFA, recognize common stress reactions for those impacted by disasters/ and or emergencies, learn the decision-making processes for referrals to health support and community-based services, and provide practical support to newcomers experiencing distress.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Register here
This course is designed to guide instructors with stress management and provide self- care education and interventions. It is aimed at teaching targeted tools and strategies for self-care, stress management and wellness to improve their performance, learning environment as well as maintain and enhance their mental and physical well-being Participants will become familiar with the sources of stress and how stress impacts their personal and professional lives.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Register here
The DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging) is a discussion worth exploring especially in the settlement sector. This course focuses on how settlement workers and project instructors can take initiatives to respond to the call of securing measures, best practices and strategies that support DEIB awareness of the issues and create workplaces where everyone feels valued, respected, and included.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Le cours Compétences de base en counseling dans un contexte interculturel vise à aider les intervenants en établissement à définir leur rôle de conseiller auprès des clients qu’ils servent et à les aider à reconnaître, développer les attitudes, compétences et connaissances nécessaires pour être efficaces dans ce rôle.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Register here
Our facilitated courses provide interactive and engaging learning experiences led by industry experts. These courses cover a range of topics essential for settlement practitioners.
Registering for our courses is simple. Here are the details on what to expect during the registration process.