Language Teaching Resources: Indigenous Teaching Resources
Understanding and appreciating the land’s rich history is key to fostering an inclusive community. The Indigenous teaching resources below introduce newcomer language instructors to the stories, cultures, and knowledge of Indigenous Peoples. By integrating these teachings into language learning, we create meaningful connections, build respect for diverse histories, and empower newcomers with a deeper understanding of the communities they are now part of.
Indigenous Storybooks and Resources Collection:
Easy Reading Job Profiles to help clients with low literacy pursue their employment goals. You can view the profiles individually or by occupational cluster – Low Levels and Literacy.
Indigenization Resources for the Classroom:
A variety of resources, including lesson plans, curriculum, readings, videos, podcasts, are available for classroom use.
Best Practices in TESL and Indiginization:
Click on best practices for indicators to clarify how to meet these standards. Technical terms have been glossed for your convenience.
PD Resources and Reference Materials:
Click to access resources that informed best practices and offer professional development opportunities on this topic.
Commmunity Resources for Indiginization:
Explore community sources for learner support, guest speakers, field-trips, and more.
Indigenous Teaching Materials and Replica Item Boxes:
The museum in Yellowknife prepares boxes of Indigenous teaching materials (including a lot of manipulatives like an animal skull replica and arrows. It may be that others in their regions can tap into their museums or libraries for similar teaching kits.