Language Teaching Resources: Employment Language Training and Resources
The resources below aim to bridge the gap between language learning and career readiness for newcomers. By focusing on job-specific vocabulary, communication skills, and workplace culture, these resources equip learners with the tools they need to succeed in the workforce. With tailored materials for various industries, individuals gain the confidence to pursue meaningful employment, enhancing their career prospects and enabling them to contribute effectively to the economy.
In the Workplace: An Intermediate Integrated Skills Workbook:
The textbook is aimed at Canadian Language Benchmark levels 5/6 and has been designed to be facilitated by an instructor.
Here to Help: Workplace Communication Skills for Food-place Service:
A resource that will assist newcomers to Canada find and retain entry-level positions in the food services industry. Instructors will be able to use this resource in classrooms to focus on workplace communication, with an emphasis on speaking and listening for busy, time-sensitive environments, like working in a kitchen, cafeteria, or restaurant.
Interview Workbook CLB 3 and 5:
The LINC Works Project materials are designed to help lower-level English language learners gain and maintain employment in Canada. The materials in this LINCWorks – Interviews Workbook CLB 3 are adaptations of the learner handouts in the LINC Works Interviews module. Lessons have been reorganized to suit a textbook format. Relevant Portfolio-Based Language Assessments can be found in this link.
Easy Reading Job Profiles:
Easy Reading Job Profiles to help clients with low literacy pursue their employment goals.
Interviews and Offers:
Videos on preparing for an interview, interview strategies, and sociocultural tips for interviews in Alberta.