Language Teaching Resources: 2SLGBTQI+ Teaching Resources
2SLGBTQI+ Teaching Resources provide educators with essential tools to create inclusive, affirming, and respectful learning environments for all newcomers, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. By integrating these resources into language instruction, educators can better support the unique needs of 2SLGBTQI+ individuals, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment. This inclusive approach enhances language learning by promoting diversity, reducing barriers, and ensuring that every newcomer has the opportunity to thrive, both linguistically and socially, in their new communities.
LGBTQ Curriculum Resources
To enhance learning by creating a safe and inclusive classroom where all students feel they belong.
Best Practices 2021 – 2SLGBTQ+ Inclusion in TES
Click on best practices for indicators to clarify how to meet these standards.
ATESL Best Practices – References and PD Opportunities List
Click to access resources that informed best practices and offer professional development opportunities on this topic.
Community Resources: Alberta and Beyond
Explore community sources for learner support, guest speakers, and more.
Resources for the Classroom: 2SLGBTQ+ Newcomers Program
A variety of resources, including lesson plans, curriculum, readings, videos, podcasts, are available for classroom use.