National Engagement

Our organization is committed to making a meaningful impact, and we’re excited to share that we are actively involved in national networks and have partnered with several incredible national organizations that connect with diversity, inclusion, and newcomer-serving professionals across Canada. These networks enable information sharing, dialogue, and consultation at both national and regional levels to help shape policy.
The Canadian Council for Refugees is a national non-profit organization committed to social justice and transformation by challenging racism, colonialism and intersecting oppressions. CCR undertakes policy monitoring, advocacy, network building, and public education to empower members and communities to bring about systemic change.
The National Settlement and Integration Council represents a vast network of settlement and non-settlement service providers from coast to coast (outside of Quebec), as well as provincial and territorial representatives and other national and international organizations, such as the International Organization on Migration (IOM), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (FCFA), and the Canadian Council on Refugees.
As part of NSIC, AAISA sits at the Settlement and Integration Policy and Program Committee (SIPPC) which serves as platforms for IRCC funded organizations in the settlement sector to engage in a coordinated way around IRCC’s Settlement and Resettlement Assistance Programs, essential to strengthening the collective capacity to respond to the needs of newcomer clients and communities. This committee allows AAISA to collaborate on key initiatives and provide input on policies and programs that shape our sector.
AAISA supports in the selection of NSIC, SIPPC, the National Government Assisted Refugees (GAR) Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP), and the Newcomer Language Advisory Board (NLAB).
Pathways to Prosperity Canada (P2P) is a national alliance dedicated to providing evidence-based insights for newcomer settlement, integration policies, and welcoming communities.
As a partner, AAISA shares knowledge, promotes best practices and advocates for Alberta’s settlement and integration sector.
The Metropolis Canada Conference is the largest annual gathering of immigration and settlement professionals, connecting up to 1,000 researchers, policy makers, and community representatives annually. The conference highlights emerging issues, research priorities, and informs policy on migration and diversity.
AAISA actively participates, bridging research, policy, and practice through this collaborative platform.