Empowering Alberta’s newcomer serving agencies together. As a leading non-profit, AAISA (Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies) represents and strengthens agencies that deliver vital services to newcomers in Alberta.

AAISA is a member-based non-profit organization active since 1980. AAISA is a regionally and nationally recognized leader in the settlement and integration sector. As an umbrella organization, AAISA represents over 50 immigrant serving agencies and organizations that work with newcomers across the province.
AAISA began as a platform to unite Alberta’s settlement sector and bring a greater recognition to the importance of the professional supports needed to settle newcomers. AAISA’s primary goals are to represent the voice of the Alberta settlement and integration sector to members of government, act as a knowledge hub (i.e. professional development and other activities), conduct pertinent research, and engage members and non-members through various methods to support newcomers’ settlement and integration in Alberta.
Facilitate collaboration and leadership within the settlement serving sector.
An inclusive, welcoming, and engaged society
Integrity: AAISA will approach its work with integrity. It will be professional in its approach, ensure education and continued learning are part of its initiatives, set and follow standards, and be respectful in all its interactions.
Collaboration: AAISA will follow a collaborative model. It will ensure inclusivity and offer a unified voice for the sector.
Proactivity: AAISA will be proactive in all undertakings. It will take initiative and have influence in the areas of policy and advocacy and will aim to have impact in its work.
Accountability: AAISA will ensure that it is accountable. Its responsibility to its members, funders, and the larger settlement sector will be the forefront in what it does.