Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies

Elevating Mental Health Support for Newcomers

Tools and insights to strengthen your
mental health programs

Elevate your organization's ability to support the mental health needs of newcomer clients

Our Organizational Mental Health Self-Audit Tool is a comprehensive tool that offers a thorough evaluation of various aspects of your mental health support systems, including in-house programming, lived experience, and access to resources.

Screenshot of mental health tool

By using our Self-Audit Tool your organization will:

Graphic composed of a thumbs up and thumbs down symbol overlapped by a magnifying glass

Identify Strengths & Gaps

Gain a clear understanding of your current capabilities and areas needing improvement to better serve your newcomer clients.

Graphic composed of a light bulb overlapped by two arrows

Access Actionable Insights

Receive detailed recommendations and best practices tailored to the unique needs of immigrants, helping you enhance your mental health support services.

Graphic composed of pieces of paper overlapped by an arrow and a magnifying glass

Align with Research

Ensure your mental health programs are in line with the latest research and specific needs of newcomer populations.

Graphic composed of two people overlapped by an up arrow

Improve Outcomes

By addressing gaps and building on strengths, improve the mental health outcomes for your clients, fostering a healthier, more integrated community.

The Critical Role of Mental Health Support for Newcomers

Supporting the mental health of newcomers is more important than ever, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Immigrants face unique challenges, such as cultural adjustment, language barriers, and social isolation, which can significantly impact their mental well-being. Tailored mental health support is essential to help Alberta newcomers integrate smoothly and thrive in their new environment.

Post-COVID Mental Health Impact

Nearly 70% of newcomers reported increased stress and anxiety due to the pandemic, according to the Migration Policy Institute.

Data Source
Nearly 70% of newcomers reported increased stress and anxiety due to the pandemic

Access to Mental Health Services

Newcomers are 20% less likely to access mental health services compared to native populations, according to the World Health Organization.

Data Source
Newcomers are 20% less likely to access mental health services

Cultural Barriers

60% of newcomers experience cultural barriers that hinder their access to mental health care, as found in research published in the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.

Data Source
60% of newcomers experience cultural barriers that hinder their access to mental health care

Empower Your Organization Today

Take the next step in supporting the mental health of newcomers. Sign up for our Self-Audit Tool and equip your team with the insights needed to make a lasting, positive impact.

Request Access
A group of young adults talking and listening to each other