Enhancing National Sector Gender-Based Analysis Plus Capacity Project

Collaborative efforts to integrate GBA Plus in newcomer services

Collaborative efforts to integrate GBA Plus in newcomer services
The Enhancing National Sector Gender-Based Analysis (GBA) Plus Capacity project brought together staff teams from seven umbrella organizations across the country to collaborate on strengthening the settlement and integration sector’s ability to integrate GBA Plus in programs, policies, and practices. To achieve this, tools and resources were developed and piloted with selected Service-Providing Organizations (SPOs) in each province, ensuring their practicality and effectiveness in real-world applications. These efforts collectively aimed to bring a GBA Plus lens to the forefront of the sector’s work, fostering greater equity and inclusion.
This project is led by the Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA) in partnership with Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA), Saskatchewan Association of Immigrant Settlement and Integration Agencies (SAISIA), Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO), Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI), Atlantic Region Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (ARAISA), and Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne (FCFA).
We extend our gratitude and recognition to the two Service-Providing Organizations (SPOs) that played an essential role in testing and refining the GBA Plus tools and resources developed by the project partners. A special thank you goes to Making Changes Association and Settlement Services in the Bow Valley for their invaluable contributions.
The Enhancing National Sector GBA Plus Capacity project comes at a time where Canada’s population growth continues to be led by immigration who bring with them a unique set of needs and experiences. As the sector continues to take on the crucial role of ensuring the meaningful settlement and integration for all newcomers, it is essential that all organizations are equipped with robust capacity to support the intersecting needs and identities of newcomers to Canada. As a comprehensive analytical framework that supports the development of inclusive policies, programs and initiatives, GBA Plus is an essential tool for addressing the diverse and multifaceted needs of immigrants and refugees in Canada.
This report has sought to establish a baseline understanding of the sector’s existing capacity for GBA Plus in addition to identifying key gaps, assets and opportunities that see GBA Plus fully embedded in the sector at the organizational, client, and program levels.
Enhancing National Sector GBA Plus Capacity Report – EN (December 2024)
Enhancing National Sector GBA Plus Capacity Report – FR (December 2024)
On November 14, 2024, AAISA hosted the GBA Plus Virtual Launch and Town Hall, where 49 participants from the settlement sector attended, to discuss the integration of GBA Plus principles in programming and policy development. The event featured insightful discussions, highlights from the National GBA Plus Resource Guide, and valuable contributions from pilot organizations, Making Changes Association and Settlement Services in the Bow Valley, who shared their experiences, insights, and advice for the sector.
Watch the full recording to revisit key discussions and learn more about the tools and resources available to support inclusive and equitable practices in the settlement sector.
Le 14 novembre 2024, l’AAISA a organisé le lancement virtuel et l’assemblée publique de l’ACS Plus. Cet événement a réuni 49 participants du secteur de l’établissement pour discuter de l’intégration des principes d’ACS Plus dans la conception de programmes et l’élaboration de politiques. L’événement a présenté des discussions enrichissantes, des points saillants du Guide national bilingue d’ACS Plus, ainsi que des contributions précieuses des organisations pilotes, Making Changes Association et Settlement Services in the Bow Valley, qui ont partagé leurs expériences, leurs perspectives et leurs conseils pour le secteur.
Visionnez l’enregistrement complet pour revisiter les discussions clés et en savoir plus sur les outils et ressources disponibles pour soutenir des pratiques inclusives et équitables dans le secteur de l’établissement.
Crystal Guzman, GBA Plus Project Lead – cguzman@aaisa.ca