
Meet the dedicated team of directors behind AAISA

Our Board of Directors consists of leaders from various organizations who bring a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to supporting newcomers in Alberta.


Frank Bauer

Care for Newcomers

Frank immigrated to Canada from The Netherlands in 2009 and has been actively involved in the community since. As the Executive Director of Care for Newcomers, he has introduced several initiatives aimed at building stronger, more inclusive communities.


Gordana Radan

Calgary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS)

Gordana came to Canada as a refugee and has been with CCIS for 24 years. She became the CEO of CCIS in January 2023 and has been instrumental in designing innovative programs for the integration of immigrants and refugees.


Dr. Christina Nsaliwa

Edmonton Immigrant Services Association (EISA)

Christina is the Executive Director of EISA and the Grande Prairie Centre for Newcomers. She has extensive experience in leadership, program planning, and community development and has served on various boards and initiatives supporting immigrant families.


Evelyne Kemajou

Portail de l'Immigrant Association (PIA)

Evelyne founded PIA in Calgary to support Francophone women and young people. She has been recognized with multiple awards for her contributions to the Francophone community in Alberta.


Dario Ontolan

Centre for Newcomers

Dario is the Vice President of Settlement Services at CFN. His extensive experience in the settlement sector and dedication to supporting newcomers has made him a key contributor to CFN's mission.


Meghan Klein

Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers (EMCN)

Meghan became the Executive Director for EMCN in April 2020. She brings a wide-ranging background in strategy, HR, fund development, and community engagement to her role.


Oscar Vergara

NorQuest College

Oscar is the Chair of Settlement Studies at NorQuest College. He has extensive experience in language education and advocacy for newcomer students.


Lori James

Making Changes

Lori has over 30 years of experience in empowering teams and supporting clients. She joined Making Changes as the Executive Director in October 2022, focusing on empowering women and promoting equal opportunities.