Current Courses
Specialized courses for settlement practitioners
Specialized courses for settlement practitioners
Our self-paced courses allow practitioners to learn at their convenience, providing flexibility while maintaining a high standard of learning.
This course is aimed at providing accurate and current information and resources on how to support newcomers and address the challenges they face in settling effectively within their communities. It will review the range of settlement services available in Alberta, how they are funded, highly key organizations involved including the roles, responsibilities and scope of practice for settlement practitioners. It also will explore social justice concepts including anti-racism/anti-colonialism, anti-oppression, etc. and their relevance to effective settlement work.
This five (5) module course will build upon Part 1 of the Foundations of Case Management in Settlement Practice. It will offer participants insight into the various methods of needs assessment and the importance of cultural competence and self/community care. In addition, this course will introduce them to various approaches to practice, including task-centered crises intervention and trauma-informed approaches. In each of the modules, we will consider issues of power, oppression, and social justice, as well as discuss key skills that service providers can use to challenge oppressive practices within the case management process.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Welcoming Diversity is a course that explore topics around serving newcomers with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, expressions, and sex characteristics.
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
Participants will familiarize themselves with the functions of Service Provider Organizations (SPOs). They will consider the relationship between the functions of SPOs and the functions of general community service providers. They will explore the roles and responsibilities of settlement practitioners to examine guiding principles for settlement practitioner practice and consider their applicability to settlement. Participants will also identify several relevant
Codes of Ethics documents and analyze three ethical/practical issues: personal/professional boundaries; confidentiality and consent, and conflict of interest.
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
This professional development course offers frontline staff of settlement
and integration agencies in Alberta’s small centres the knowledge and
practical skills required to better manage their multiple roles when
serving culturally diverse clients.
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
This is an introductory level course that provides a general overview of what Gender-based Analysis (GBA) Plus is in the context of providing services and supports to newcomers, immigrants, and refugees in Canada.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Il s’agit d’un cours de niveau introductif qui offre un aperçu général de ce qu’est l’Analyse Comparative entre les Sexes (ACS) Plus dans le contexte de la prestation de services et de soutiens aux nouveaux arrivants, aux immigrants et aux réfugiés au Canada.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
This introductory course provides an overview of applying Gender-Based Analysis (GBA) Plus in the national newcomer-serving sector. It highlights how GBA Plus supports equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) in organizational capacity building. The course also explores the benefits of implementing GBA Plus in organizational policies, procedures, and practices for both the workplace and clients.
Audience: Settlement and Integration sector workers
Ce cours introductif offre un aperçu de l’application de l’Analyse comparative entre les sexes (ACS) Plus dans le secteur national des services aux nouveaux arrivants. Il met en évidence comment l’ACS Plus soutient l’équité, la diversité, l’inclusion et l’accessibilité (ÉDIA) dans le renforcement des capacités organisationnelles. Le cours explore également les avantages de la mise en œuvre de l’ACS Plus dans les politiques, procédures et pratiques organisationnelles, tant pour le lieu de travail que pour les clients.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Psychological First Aid (PFA) is an evidence-informed approach to help children, adolescents, adults, and families in the immediate aftermath of a disaster/emergency. Individuals affected by a disaster or traumatic incident, whether survivors, witnesses, or responders to such events, may struggle with or face challenges following the event. PFA is designed to reduce the initial distress and to foster adaptive functioning and coping and is designed for delivery in diverse settings. In this course, settlement workers will learn the fundamentals of PFA, recognize common stress reactions for those impacted by disasters/ and or emergencies, learn the decision-making processes for referrals to health support and community-based services, and provide practical support to newcomers experiencing distress.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Registration link
The focus of this course is on mental health system navigation. Trainees will become familiar with Alberta’s mental health continuum of care and support mechanisms, focusing on newcomers and how they can navigate and engage with them. The course covers information for trainees on using 211 as a support system for navigating mental health services. It also presents an overview of mental health support mechanisms to address newcomers’ needs and concerns.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Registration link
Le but de ce cours est de former les participants à la navigation dans le système de santé mentale. Les apprenants se familiariseront avec le continuum de soins en santé mentale de l’Alberta et les mécanismes de soutien, en mettant l’accent sur les nouveaux arrivants et la manière dont ils peuvent s’orienter et interagir avec ces services. Le cours comprend des informations sur l’utilisation du 211 comme système de soutien pour naviguer dans les services de santé mentale. Il offre également un aperçu des mécanismes de soutien en santé mentale visant à répondre aux besoins et préoccupations des nouveaux arrivants.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
The course is a six-module course that will enable Settlement Practitioners to gain knowledge and practical skills required to effectively conduct needs assessments and assist people from diverse backgrounds to develop individualized goals and action plans appropriate to their culture and life experience to meet their client’s settlement needs.
Audience: Settlement and Integration Sector Workers
Registration link
Our facilitated courses provide interactive and engaging learning experiences led by industry experts. These courses cover a range of topics essential for settlement practitioners.
Registering for our courses is simple. Here are the details on what to expect during the registration process.