Conference participant terms and conditions
2025 AAISA Settlement & Integration Conference
The following terms and conditions apply to persons granted permission to attend or otherwise participate in 2025 AAISA Settlement & Integration Conference. A violation of these terms may result in AAISA’s revocation of the Participant’s rights and privileges including denial of access to events and removal from event premises.
Conference Code of Conduct
Standard of Conduct
All 2025 AAISA Settlement & Integration Conference Participants are entitled to a safe and welcoming environment free from harassment or discrimination when participating in any conference related event including social events, workshops, plenaries, meetings and social gatherings. To that end, Participants must at all times conduct themselves with the highest standard of respect and dignity when participating in AAISA events.
As a reminder to all participants in 2025 AAISA Settlement & Integration Conference, AAISA is committed to providing a health and safe work environment where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, a workplace devoid of any form of harassment, discrimination, violence, bullying or racism. 2025 AAISA Settlement & Integration Conference, is considered an AAISA workplace for the purposes of all interactions (written, verbal and non-verbal) and for the interpretation of AAISA policies. Should a Participant be subject to, or witness any, inappropriate or threatening behaviour or language, they are expected to notify AAISA registration staff at the registration desk or send an email to
Unauthorized Marketing and Hospitality Events
Except for authorized sponsors and exhibitors, delegates and other Participants are not permitted to use the conference as a forum for soliciting and marketing purposes. Parties wishing to have such privileges should register as a 2025 AAISA Settlement & Integration Conference sponsor or exhibitor.
Delegates are expected to decline invitations from organizations that are neither exhibitor or sponsors and report violations of the above prohibition to AAISA.
Compliance with Laws, Policies and Procedures / Health and Safety Protocols
All Participants must comply with applicable (a) laws and regulations policies and (b) procedures, including those related to health and safety, whether issued by AAISA, the venue or hosts.
Consent to Use of Personal Information and Images
Delegate Personal Information
In-person delegates consenting to sharing of their contact information (name, title, organization, business address and business email) for purposes of enabling their in-person attendance and recording their attendance.
Images in Photographs and Videos
AAISA may take photographs and videos of the conference events which feature Participants. Participants are deemed to consent of the use of these photographs and/or videos in any media, including social media channels, for the purpose of marketing and promoting future AAISA events. Photos and videos will not be distributed to third parties.
Registrants will be able to select the early- bird registration fee ($230/Members and $300 non-members) up until 5:00 PM MDT, May 14, 2025. If payment has not been received and confirmed by the AAISA staff by 5:00 PM MDT, May 19, 2025, registrants will be charged the regular conference fee ($300/Members and $400 non-members). This applies to registrants submitting bank/wire transfers and credit card payments that are incomplete for any reason.
Accommodation costs are not included in the conference registration fee. Attendees are responsible for making their own lodging arrangements.
Cancellation and Substitution Policy
Conference registration can be cancelled only in writing (email) to
Full refunds available up to October 13, 2025. No cancellations and refunds will be granted after Monday, October 13.
Substitutions may be made at any time. If you wish to substitute a participant, please contact the at the earliest opportunity.
If you’re unable to attend the conference you may designate someone to attend in your place. Requests must be made by the person registered and received by e-mail on or before Monday, October 13.
AAISA’s Right to Modify / Cancel Conference Events
AAISA reserves the right to make changes to the conference program at any time without prior notice to Participants. AAISA also reserves the right to cancel or modify conference events due to insufficient registration, funding or any other reason. AAISA is not responsible for resulting cancellation charges imposed on any Participant which may be applied by hotels, airlines or travel agencies, or for any other losses incurred by Participants due to such cancellation or change.
Limitation of Liability
AAISA shall not be liable to any Participant for any direct or indirect economic loss, lost profits, lost opportunity or for any special, consequential, incidental, exemplary or indirect costs from any cause whatsoever, even if AAISA was advised of the possibility of such costs or damages.
For any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please contact AAISA’s registration desk or call email