Alberta Association of
Immigrant Serving Agencies

Supporting Alberta’s settlement and integration sector since 1980.

About Us cta-large-squares-and-chevron
A black and white portrait of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta

2023-24 AAISA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

On Thursday, July 20, 2023, AAISA organized its Annual General Meeting with new board members approved and motions moved to improve AAISA’s efficiency and impact in the settlement and integration sector. We appreciate our board, members, partners and staff for a great outing.

The next meeting date will be communicated in due course.

Settlement 101

This course is aimed at providing accurate and current information and resources on how to support newcomers and address the challenges they face in settling effectively within their communities. It will review the range of settlement services available in Alberta, how they are funded, highly key organizations involved including the roles, responsibilities and scope of practice for settlement practitioners. It also will explore social justice concepts including anti-racism/anti-colonialism, anti-oppression, etc. and their relevance to effective settlement work.